Optometrist Near Me in Tukwila

Innovative Eyecare is closed. Dr. Patricia Jitodai has moved to Southcenter Eye Clinic inside LensCrafters. You can make an appointment for exams by calling (206) 431-8770 or using their online scheduler. (There are other doctors at the clinic, so if you would like to see her, you would need to let them know when calling to make an appointment.)
Southcenter Eye Clinic takes most major insurance plans. Please call them to confirm that your insurance is accepted. She is no longer a VSP In-Network provider. However, if you are eligible for VSP out-of-network, the clinic is able to bill VSP out-of-network and your exam copay may be the same as what you would pay for an in-network exam copay.
Southcenter Eye Clinic (Inside LensCrafters)
416 Southcenter Mall
Tukwila, WA 98188
(206) 431-8770
Online Scheduler